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2023 Season Transition Point


We have reached the pivotal TRANSITION POINT for the 2023 peach season!

What does that mean? Up to this point we have had a great clingstone and semi-cling season. We've been able to provide plenty of ready-to-eat peaches while also stocking up and preserving our freezer-ready seconds. We are now transitioning to a point where our freestone crop will be VERY SLIM, and anything we're able to bring in from the orchard will sell out very quickly.

We will be CLOSED on Wednesday, June 14 so that we can fully transition the Stand. Because even if we don't have peaches in a box for you, we've preserved the season with many, delicious options. We have our homemade peach & blackberry preserves, peach & strawberry ice cream, and beginning Friday, June 16 we will have freshly baked, 100% homemade peach cobbler!

Poteet strawberries and our local blackberries will be available for about another week. The next JoJu Bakery delivery will be Friday around 12:30. We have field-grown Pearsall, TX tomatoes, local squash and onions, shelves stocked with canned goodies and a freezer full of beans, peas & okra.

Come see us, there's plenty to celebrate at Eckhardt Orchards!

Monday, June 12 open 8:30 am- 5:30pm

Tuesday, June 13 open 8:30 am- 5:30pm

Wednesday, June 14 CLOSED

Thursday, June 15 open 8:30 am- 5:30pm

Friday, June 16 open 8:30 am- 5:30pm

Saturday, June 17 open 8:30 am- 5:30pm

Sunday, June 18 CLOSED for Father's Day

2150 S US Hwy 87, Fredericksburg, TX 78624

#peaches #fieldgrowntomato #peachcobbler🍑 #peachicecream @clearrivericecreamandfun #poteetstrawberries Fredericksburg Farms @ckcfarms @jojubaker


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